As a reader of the book or a visitor to this site you probably have your own reasons for a diet change.

The most common reason for a diet change is to have some kind of illness or condition and wanting to get rid of it with he aid of an improved diet.

Another common reason for a diet change is a social reason. When you are living close to people with a different diet than yours, you may want to adopt their diet just to make everyday life a little easier.

There can also be strictly ethical reasons for a diet change, especially if you are an animal activist or an environmentalist.

Allergies are becoming an increasingly common reason for a diet change. You simply have to exclude certain food items in order to stay healthy.

The beach season can be a yearly reason for a diet change for anyone who is a bit vain or just want to get more motivated to make a long overdue diet change.

Regardless of what Your reason is for a diet change, the book as well as this site can be useful to you in handling whatever may turn up in the form of a question, a problem or a difficulty.

MY MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE: What is good for me or somebody else may be bad for you and vice versa. Make sure you do not eat what others eat just because it is good for them – unless it’s good for you also. The only way to find this out is by trial and error. Be gentle with yourself and keep safe when you change your diet. Slow progress is also progress!