My background concerning the book Diet Change Info is very briefly that I grew up in a suburb of Stockholm, Sweden, on a typical meat and potato based diet and was quite often ill during my childhood years. Throughout my youth I was also allergic to most raw fruits, nuts and vegetables.

I had been taught and was fully convinced that I would die if I didn’t eat meat, and that cow’s milk was the healthiest food item you could find.

In spite of this I became a vegetarian at age 23 after having moved out of my parents house to the inner city. I became a vegan at 24 and a fruitarian at 25. (All of my allergies disappeared when I stopped drinking milk so I could start eating raw fruits, vegetables and nuts again.) I went to Hawaii to live in a frutarian commune but returned to Sweden when my visa expired.

At age 27 I had been living on a fruit diet for two years and had moved next to a nature reserve on the island of Lidingö, where I switched to only drinking fruit and vegetable juices for a year.

After a short trip to India I returned to Stockholm at age 28 and went back to a vegan and vegetarian diet until I was 33 and once again turned to raw food.

At age 38 I had moved north to Dalarna and soon started eating cooked food on recommendation by a local friend who practised chinese medicine, and I adopted a lacto-vegetarian diet until I turned 41 when I moved west to Värmland and became a vegan again. I cooked all my food wrapped in aluminum foil in the fireplace that heated the nice little log cabin I rented.

During those years I started getting various diseases now and then, and after having moved back to the inner city of Stockholm at age 43, where I only ate microwaved vegan food, I got long term problems with autoimmune diseases.

Because of this I returned to raw food at age 45 and gradually restored my health when I also moved to a suburb close to a nature reserve.

I was 48 when I decided to start eating any kind of food again. I had regained my health and wanted to challenge all the beliefs I had concerning diet and health.

This went on in varying states of health until I at age 55 had contracted an almost chronic state of disease with fatigue and joint pains as the major symptoms. (Years later it was established that I had contracted Lyme disease around this time.)

At age 57, due to my chronic disease, I was advised to change my diet to a fat free anti-inflammatory diet by a herbalist, and got increasingly better. At 61 I moved south to the countryside of Småland where I adopted a mainly fruit based diet. This diet has been modified to exclude most sweet fruits and include as many leafy greens as possible.

Today at age 62 I am still not completely recovered, but I keep noticing health improvements of various kind as time goes by, depending on how well I take care of myself.

It was in this condition that I decided to write this book. I have now plenty of experience of diet change as a young and healthy person as well as an old and chronically ill person.

You can find more detailed information on every diet and diet change that I have tried in part 2 of the book.

Please observe that I have devoted myself to various types of physical excercise along with my diet changes, as an equally important part of a healthy life. Physical excrcise has therefore been given a whole chapter of its own in the book.