The book Diet Change Info covers my experiences of very many diets. To get some idea of what diets I have aquainted myself with over the years, I have made a comprehensive diets list below.
There are many ways diets can be categorized, and I will begin with dividing the categorizations into four main groups.
1. Biological categorization
2. Diet systems
3. Production methods
4. Allergy diets
1. BIOLOGICAL CATEGORIZATION – based on what type of food items are included in the diet.
Omnivore diet – contains anything below plus meat fron mamals and birds.
Pesci-vegetarian diet – contains anything below plus fish and seafood.
Ovo-vegetarian diet – contains anything below plus eggs.
Lacto-vegetarian diet – contains anything below plus dairy products.
Vegan diet – contains anything below plus all kinds of cooked vegetables.
Raw food diet – contains anything below plus raw vegetables (not cooked over 40°C).
Living food diet – contains anything below plus easily digested raw vegetables.
Chimpanzee diet – contains anything below plus raw leafy greens.
Fruit diet – contains most things below plus fruits. Nuts are not inluded in this diet.
Juice diet – contains anything below plus the juice of fruits and vegetables.
Water diet – usually called water fasting. Contains anything below plus water.
Air diet – usually called dry fasting. Ingested through the lungs instead of stomach.
Sunlight diet – generally not considered a diet. Ingested through skin and eyes.
Earth Field diet – generally not considered a diet. Ingested through one’s bare feet.
2. DIET SYSTEMS – based on a philosophy or science of the properties of various food items.
Macrobiotic diet – based on the balance of Yin and Yang food properties.
Ayurvedic diet – based on the three Doshas: Vata, Kapha, Pitta.
Natural Hygienist diet – partly based on appropriate food combining
Alkaline diet – based on Dr Ragnar Berg’s research on food residue in the 1930s.
LCHF diet – based on a high fat and low carbohydrate content of the food.
5:2 diet – based on eating normally 5 days and calorie restricted 2 days a week.
Calorie Restricted diet – based on research on health and longevity of mice.
Anti-Inflammatory diet – based on excluding inflamation inducing food.
3. PRODUCTION METHODS – based on how the food items are manufactured.
Conventionelly farmed – produced using pesticides , fertilizers, antibiotics and minimum space.
Organicly farmed – produced using organic pesticides and fertilizers.
Biodynamically farmed – organically produced according to Rudof Steiner.
Fair Trade farmed – produced by farmers that are fairly treated and fairly paid.
Free Roaming farmed – food from farm animals with more space than others.
Wild Animals – free roaming wild animals that are shot during hunting season.
Wild Edible Plants – produced by nature for anyone to pick in public areas.
4. ALLERGY DIETS – based on the avoidance of specific ingredients.
Gluten free diet – does not contain any Wheat, Barley or Rye.
Lactose free diet – does not contain any milk sugar.
Soy free diet – does not contain any soy residue.
Low Sugar diet – does not contain any added sugar.
Low Fat diet – does not contain any added fat.